Easy way to make decisions for 2022? F*** yes? 10 min journal.

Easy way to make decisions for 2022? F*** yes? 10 min journal.

Good morning, making an attempt at hopping back on this 10 min journal thing. No proofreading. Just emptying my thoughts for 10 mins. Excuse the typos please!

Currently reading: Tribes

So, an idea that was proposed to me on decision making had me really thinking.

We sometimes get lost when we make our decisions. A good way to look at your next decision.. Is it a F*** yes, or a F*** no? If the answer is somewhere in the middle, then its probably a F** no!

Your Job: Is it a F*** yes for you? if its not, what are you doing to change that. What do you have to do to make your job a F*** yes?

Your relationship: Is it a F** yes? If it is anything less than that, whats the point of staying in it?

Basically the mindset boils down to this, if it isn’t a f*** yes, then its a F*** No!

I think this idea sounds good on paper, but is probably easier said than done. However, I do think its a good way to look at things when you are making decisions. The reality for me here is this. You do NOT have to stay in your relationship, you do not have to keep your job, you can find other ways to make money, you can do the things you want. Finding the right relationship takes sacrifice, being in the right career takes making tough decisions, following your gut and using that F*** yes or F*** no mentality is a good place to start.

So for 2022, what do you need to, or what are you going to change? What things do you have in your life right now that are not a F*** yes?? What relationships are holding you back, what career choices are holding you back? What activities are holding you back from getting you to that place where you are saying F*** yes more often than not?

My 10 minutes are up. Let me know your thoughts.

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