Power of repetition - Reflections from my 3+ year running streak

Power of repetition - Reflections from my 3+ year running streak

Hitting the pavement every day (sometimes the treadmill or dirt) for over three years straight—come rain or shine, it's become a part of who I am.

People often ask about this commitment. Some wonder if I ever get sick or how I manage on days with long work hours or while traveling. The answer is yes. Truth be told, I don't take days off; I simply adapt my runs. That's why I've set a minimum of 3 miles. It's a baseline that keeps me going, even when life throws curveballs my way. When its a sickness, I almost always feel better when I get out and move.

Now, you might think fitting in a run on a hectic day is impossible, but trust me, anyone can carve out 20-30 minutes if they make it a priority. It's all about priorities and intentions. We're all juggling life's craziness, but when you set your sights on a goal and commit, you'll find a way. It's like steering through rush hour traffic—sometimes it's a mess, but you navigate it. If we are being honest though, most of us could find that time by just cancelling our Netflix or Hulu subscription or spending a little less time on tiktok.

Beyond just dedication, consistency is a superpower. It's about cutting through the bullshit, getting rid of the garbage, and focusing on what matters to YOU. Imagine this: you're in a chaotic marketplace, but you've got a laser focus on your goal—nothing can distract you. I've seen it in action—not just in my daily runs but in folks from all walks of life. Whether you're a parent juggling soccer practices or a hard-working professional balancing multiple gigs, consistency pays off, I think we all know it, but most people aren’t willing to take those first few steps in creating a routine.

I've worked hard and am really aiming at applying this principle of elimination and consistency not only to my daily runs but also to my work as an endurance coach and National Guard recruiter. It's about finding the sweet spot in your routine, carving out time for the important stuff without sacrificing everything else.

Trust me, from high school students struggling with mountains of homework to parents with a brood of kids, I've seen people make incredible strides when they commit to their goals. If you can't find 20-30 minutes to commit to something important, it's like trying to fix a flat tire without a jack—it ain't happening. Time to reassess and get the right tools for the job!

By the way, if you're ever looking for some guidance on fitting your goals into your own chaotic schedule, I'm here to lend a hand. Shoot me a direct message and lets schedule a call.

Now, listen up, I'm by no means claiming to be an expert at anything. I'm just a guy who's learned a few things from being consistent and seeing the magic happen. My experience might not be textbook or backed by academic degrees, but it's real-life knowledge and I am still learning. This consistency thing makes its easier to learn from your mistakes and get back on track. Once you develop it, you dont want to let it go.

Being consistent isn't just a habit; it's a mindset that allows us to navigate life's uncertainties, steer clear of distractions, and stay true to our core values. And hey, it's also a bit like finding Waldo in a sea of chaos—you gotta keep your eye on the striped shirt!

From me perspective: when it comes to achieving our goals, it's not just about showing up—it's about consistently putting in the work, it doesn’t mean “grinding your ass off”, if thats what you think, you’re missing the point. Little bouts of effort. Day by day. Small doses. Means something different to everyone, I get it! The consistent effort you put in compounds over time, just like interest on a bank account. Little by little, it grows and creates a substantial impact. Start small! Sustainable should be a key word here too!

Think of it this way: Consistency is the compass that guides you through the maze of life. It's not about being perfect every day; it's about showing up and doing the work. Some days you'll sprint, and other days you'll crawl, but the key is to keep moving forward.

And let's face it, life isn't a sprint—it's a marathon. It's about enduring the highs and lows, the twists and turns, and staying the course. It's about showing up even when you don't feel like it because those are the moments that define your journey.

Consistency isn't just a choice; it's a lifestyle. It's about making small, incremental steps towards your goals each day. You don't have to move mountains; you just have to keep chipping away, bit by bit.

Remember, the power of repetition isn't just about doing the same thing over and over; it's about reinforcing the habits that lead to success. It's about building a foundation that withstands the tests of time.

So, whether it's running every day, working towards a promotion, or mastering a new skill, embrace the power of repetition. Because in the end, it's the consistent effort that propels you towards greatness.

Thats enough rambling for me. Thanks for listening. Hope you got some nuggets that you can use yourself! If you're jazzed up and need some help with endurance, habits, or any self-improvement stuff, let's chop it up. Hit the link and let's yak one-on-one sometime. schedule a 1-1 call

Paul Duncan

Currently Reading: Collaborative Homeschooling - Matt B

Currently Listening: Saves the day - through being cool

Current Runners: New Balance Rebel

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