10 min Journal - Pretty random brain dump

10 min Journal - Pretty random brain dump

Time: 5:59am

Man, I always say, “I need to get my thoughts on paper more”. I think many of us say that same stuff. But then, what happens? Shit gets in the way, we put it off. Then, at least for me, a month or two has gone by and I haven’t done shit in terms of journaling, but every day I think about it.

So the timer is set for 10 minutes just to see how many words come out. I am already down to 7 minutes. I honestly dont know what to say, but I know doing this always ends up being relieving, so hopefully y’all enjoy this.

What’s been going on with me? Well, same stuff really. Harvey is 3 years old already and its honestly blowing my mind. This week I had him from Thursday until today (Monday) where I will drop him off at preschool. This will be his last week of preschool as his mom decided its “not worth it” to bring him there every day and pick him up. He goes to preschool on “mom days”, so I dont really have much of a choice in the matter. Its sort of a relief because I was dropping almost a grand a week for it, but at the same time its been good for him in many ways. Anyway, we will see how that goes. He will start public school next week.

Mondays are always the hardest for me because I know its likely I won’t get to party with my little guy again until Friday in most cases. We are developing a dad/son bond beyond what I ever thought possible. That fool copies everything I do, and he even complies with my old man routine of 9pm bedtimes and naps. Never fails. Love it.

Other than that? Its July and im still one enlistment away from making mission with National Guard recruiting. The year ends in September for us. Usually im “complete” by February. I cant say ive been pushing it like I used to. I think im getting too old for recruiting, but it pays the bills and I still get to change kids lives. This is the first year EVER, in approximately 8 years that I was not the first person “done” with mission. Im fine with that. :-)

I am working hard with guardian quest and helping facilitate a our inclusive leadership class, I love it, it brings me a huge sense of purpose that I need.

Also still coaching athletes, and that’s going well, but Im not coaching as many people as I used to. I keep going back and forth with the idea of taking on more athletes, im open to it, but im not pushing it and it has to be the right person.

Good times, my 10min are past. Sorry about the typos, im not proof-reading this.

If you read this, let me know, is any of this interesting to you? What kind of stuff should I think about while I type. I dont know, but even though I didnt talk about anything extreme, or profound, I think it still helps to brain dump a little.

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