Beginners Mindset: Journal Entry

Beginners Mindset: Journal Entry

Every morning, when I wake up, I do a quick 10 minute mediation while having my first morning coffee.

Now I am setting my timer for 5 minutes and seeing what thoughts come out on paper.

Todays thought that hit me. “The beginners mind has endless opportunities, the experts mind has very limited opportunities.

This is one that hit me well because I tend to get super caught up in being an “expert” on certain things, and it tends to make me close minded, but even with things that you are an expert in, you can still adopt a beginners mindset once in a while and go back to being open to different ways in doing things.

I am going to work on doing this. Today’s goal, is become more open to the idea that my way isn’t necessarily the best way, or the right way. While I do think its important to be strong in your way of thinking, loosening up on those ideas can surely help the overall experience in whatever it is that you are trying to achieve..

What are your thoughts on this? Share this with a friend, make a comment, let’s open up a conversation about this thought.

Thanks for reading. Remember, I am not proofreading these. Just setting a timer and typing. Hope you enjoyed. If you did, please let me know so I am inspired to keep writing about stuff. :-)

Last book read: Think and grow rich - Napolean Hill
Currently Reading: The single dad’s guide to the galaxy

5min Journal: The earlier I wake up..

5min Journal: The earlier I wake up..

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