January Run streak stats

January Run streak stats

Another month of running every day

January 2024 stats-

Current streak: 1080 days
Days off: zero
Avg miles per week: 51.3
Avg miles per day: 7.3
Highest mileage day: 13mi
Lowest mileage day: 3.2mi

Reflections: the mileage just feels like clockwork. Nothing big this month, kept my minimum of 50 miles per week. Planning on keeping right around that mileage next month in effort to spend more time in the gym and doing other things.

I wish everybody could understand the power of consistency and repetition in the way that I am seeing it.

When you apply this principle to other things in your life, it’s amazing the compounding growth that happens. Apply to your career and watch your career become less stressful. Apply it to parenthood, and you’ll be amazed at how much your kid catches on and looks up to it.

There is power in repetition and habits.

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again, I don’t think everybody should run every single day. As a coach, I don’t always think it’s the best route to high-performance, but that’s not the point of the run streak. The point is committing to something, and the people who look up to you watching you commit to something, knowing that you won’t waiver in your commitments.

One of my favorite moments of the month: I was sick, I had food poisoning, felt horrible, fever, the works. My son heard someone recommend to me that I take the day off of running. Basically they were telling me I was dumb for running while sick. My five year old son, stopped them in their tracks and said “No! My daddy runs every day, no matter what”. He had this faith in me that I could never put into words.

There’s something magical about your kid looking at you with this level of trust that he has for no one else because he knows you will always stay true to your commitment.

The way you show up to one thing, is the way you’ll show up to everything you care about.

Power of repetition - Reflections from my 3+ year running streak

Power of repetition - Reflections from my 3+ year running streak