I did the best I could - 10 min journal

I did the best I could - 10 min journal

So, it’s been a while (again) on committing to writing online or in a journal, or blogging, or whatever we want to call it. So here is another attempt. Setting the timer for 10min and seeing where it goes. Please excuse the typos, I am not proofreading.

This one might get some people butt hurt a little bit. But I want to chat about the phrase “I did the best I could”. I hate to say it, well, actually, no I dont, that line is a COP OUT. Let’s stop using that line/excuse for not doing the shit that we want to do. For not accomplishing the things we want to accomplish. If you are setting realistic, obtainable goals, and you are creating an action plan to achieve those goals, you will accomplish them.

Saying “I did the best I can” is just an excuse. Its a weak excuse to justify why YOU didnt follow through.

I HATE when I hear parents say… “we did the best we could” as a reaction to why their Children feel neglected, or ignored, or not loved. Or when they dont follow up with what they say they are going to do. Promises they make to their children. No, asshole, you CHOSE not to follow through, you CHOSE not to put down your phone.

What about fitness and health.. “Im still fat, im still out of shape, but I did the best could”. NO, you didnt, you CHOSE to make other things a priority, you CHOSE to eat donuts every day, you are making these choices.

“Why am I broke?”. Im doing the best I can. NO, you aren't, you are spending more money than you make on things you dont need, instead of investing in yourself, you are CHOOSING short term gratification.

I can go on and on, but you get the point. Ive been guilty of this comment, and it makes me feel like a loser when I see myself make those kinds of excuses for myself. Making the commitment to not allow that bullshit.

Who’s with me? Can we make a commitment to at a very minimum to own our actions? You didnt do your best, you just chose something else, you probably chose the easy wrong over the hard right… and that’s ok, but dont follow it up with a LIE and say you did your best. Thats just trash.

Ok thats all. Timer just went off. Let me know your thoughts :-)

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