The TOP BIGGEST MISTAKES new runners/triathletes make

The TOP BIGGEST MISTAKES new runners/triathletes make

As an endurance coach, and as an endurance athlete myself. I have seen quite a few mistakes, and I have definitely made a LOT of mistakes.

Here are some of the top mistakes I see on the regular! (not in any specific order).

Its super easy to get excited about the sport, especially when you’re new! Many new runners think “more is better”, and it typically turns into burn out or injury. Start with a very small amount and add progression each week. I would consider working with a coach that can help you with ideas how where to start out.

Get a pair of shoes that fit your foot! There is no one shoe that is perfect for everyone. Its very important that you have a shoe that is comfortable, and right for your foot. This might require some trial and error, but I suggest going to a running store and doing a Gait Analysis from an expert.

I am no shoe expert, but if you would like to know what shoe I wear, I currently wear the Nike Free RN on the road, and the INOV8 Trailroc 285 on the trails. Find what works for you. Once you find a shoe you like, don’t change it.

No Warm up/Cool Down:

Many people just get right into it from the beginning of the run, not allowing their body to warm up. I suggest keeping the first 10 minutes of your workout extremely light. Start with a light jog, some light stretching and/or mobility exercises and then build into the run, always finish the run with with a light jog and some stretching.

No Cross Training:
Doing some activities other than running will prevent boredom, work different muscles, and give your running muscles a well deserved break. Try to include other sports like swimming, cycling, team sports, and strength training. Adding in strength training will help build a foundation that will support your increasing run volume, helping you get faster, and prevent injury.

Trying to Race during every run!
This is one of the biggest rookie mistakes. You don’t need to run fast every run! Incorporate recovery runs into your training plan. Work with a coach in figuring out what pace that might be!

Comparing yourself to other runners:
I hate to break it to you, but no matter how fast you get, there will always be someone faster than you. If you always compare yourself to others, you will never be satisfied in this sport. There is nothing wrong with some healthy competition, but your biggest competitor is yourself. Comparison is the thief of joy. Ok I shouldn’t have said that last part, thats corny.

In the comments what mistakes would YOU add to this list?

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Paul Duncan is a full time military recruiter, USAT Certified Coach, QT2 Systems Level 1 Coach, and OutRival Racing Level 3 coach. For coaching inquires, click HERE.

Paul Duncan Headshot .png

Paul also competes in triathlon and running events in his spare time.

70.3 PR (4:24:26)
140.6 PR – (9:51:53)
Half Marathon – (1:24:21)
Marathon – (2:57:27)

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