Journal: Get off your phone, Dad!

Journal: Get off your phone, Dad!

So, this is just another rambling Journal as I procrastinate working and going for a run. Ill probably post this later, but this photo of Harvey and I popped up in my memories today and triggered some thoughts in me.

I remember this picture like it was yesterday. We were at McDonalds play land for the first time ever, I dont remember how old he was, but its clearly before his first haircut.

I am pretty certain that my mom took this picture. Harvey is trying desperately to get my attention, while I am staring at my stupid phone. Since then, I have made a commitment, to PAYING ATTENTION to him, instead of being on my phone.

I am FAR from perfect at this. I am super addicted to my phone. I still find myself checking it constantly, even when he’s around, but looking at a photo like this serves as a reminder that our kids DESERVE our attention, our phones do not. I am in a constant struggle against this. The phone is so toxic in so many ways, it has the ability to DESTROY relationships if you allow it to. Its OUR CHOICE to allow it.

I don’t really know where I am going with this, but I think one thing to take away from this, is that while he may look super happy here, even without me giving him attention, in the future, ignoring him will cause pain, and nothing in my phone will ever be worth causing the love of my life pain. So, lets all try to be better, when your kid wants your attention, make an honest attempt to put the phone down.

Anyway, Im rambling and thinking out loud, I am not going to proofread this, so, I dont need you to call out my grammar mistakes, but I would like to hear your thoughts about this in the comments!

Journal: Short and Sweet Book Review - Miracle Morning - Paul Duncan

Journal: Short and Sweet Book Review - Miracle Morning - Paul Duncan

Journal: 5am wake ups, reading, running and starting small

Journal: 5am wake ups, reading, running and starting small